NFTs and AI ... Is this the future of "art?"
Artificial Intelligence is dominating NFT world, but what is it exactly? Can AI generated artwork be considered “art?”
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a form of artificial intelligence that can be used to create artworks, music, written text, and other forms of artistic content.
Thanks to AI generators, programs and mobile apps, people have been able to alter images by changing colors, adding textures and brush stokes, or completely alter images using apps such as Instagram, Prisma, Photoleap and various others to alter the original image resemble various styles of artwork from famous artists in history. Images can also be animated by adding effects to them using apps such as Motionleap.
But things in the world of AI have gone a step further. People can now create “art” simply by adding words into art generators, using just a keyword (or a few), and adding an image for the AI to start from (or in some cases, no image at all). No skill, no talent, just words. And it doesn’t stop there! You can regenerate a a new piece, time after time, after time, using the same key words of come up with different creations, each and every time. But the question must be asked. Can this art be considered art? And if it is art, who’s art is it? The person putting in the key words, or the generator itself?
This question, whether or not AI created artwork can be considered “art,” is one I am on the fence about. So, I decided to experiment for myself. Let’s start with some examples:
1st, we have a series or pieces I “created” in which I simply added a combination of three words (no images) into an AI art generator. What do you think?
2nd, I found another AI generator in which I could start from an image and turn it into “art” simply by adding a few key words. Here I chose to start with a photograph of a family of columbines I took last summer.
What do you think? Can you see my original image?
Okay, those came out really quite cool! Let’s try it again! This time, just for kicks, I chose a random GoPro shot from a few ski seasons ago.
Again, what do you think? Can you see the original? How on earth did the generator come up with these based off my original image? Would you consider what the AI generator created to be “art?” Would you purchase these?
Now, I have to admit, these look pretty f***ing awesome! But in all honesty (and maybe it’s the art prude in me)…even though I created the original images, because I had no talent, skill, or really any input in creating the final pieces (other than a few keywords), I cannot consider these to be art.
Perhaps though, because there is some creation involved, I could potentially be persuaded to consider them to be art, but certainly not art in which I could in good conscience take any credit for creating. I mean, how could I possibly claim I created them, or even sell them, when I certainly did not create them?
Now, what say we go a little more hands on with one of the pieces the AI generator created and add our own touches. Because really, in all actuality, the generator would not have been able to create these pieces without my original images. So, let’s play around with another app to help give the piece a more artistic look with canvas and brush strokes. And while we’re at it, why stop there? Let’s take it into that popular animation effect app, just to see what we can make of it!
What do you think? I added my own touches and skill to it, can it now be considered art? Art that I could, in good conscience sell? I will leave that for you to decide!