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Getting Up To Speed


Getting Up To Speed

Winter was off to a great start here in the San Juan Mountains. A decent amount of early-season snow fell through November and December setting our snow pack up for a good seasonal base and some good early season turns. But, as of the 1st of the year, Telluride's San Juans have not seen more than a couple inches fall from the sky. Some very traditional and very strange traditions have ensued to bring the snow. I have been able to keep myself quite entertained, even with our snow pack melting to dismal proportions. Thanks to the warm sun and dirt of the desert being so close, I have in fact been doing so much playing that I've had a hard time finding a moment to sit down and write about all my adventures through all of this. So, here is a reflection on my winter-time experiences over the past couple months. For more details on these photos and keep up to date on my adventures, follow me on Instagram at

In the mean time, enjoy and pray for snow!
