The times, they’ve been a changing, drastically - and so have the ways people find information and learn about businesses in their communities. That's why it is crucial to create a marketing strategy that engages with current and future customers wherever they may be spending their time.
In this day in age (you know, 2020 and beyond, where literally anything and everything is online, TikTok is dumbing down the masses, and AI is vying to take over the world), if you aren’t up-to-date on how you market your business, you’re business might as well be an antique, buried in a dusty box in the attic along with the likes of carrier pigeons, the Pony Express, typewriters, land lines and fax machines.
So, if you are still one of those business owners who doesn’t see why it’s important to establish a “look” for your business, thinks a free article in a newspaper will bring customers flooding through the doors for months to come, still refuses to have a website, uses Facebook (and Facebook alone, no Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc…) to promote your business and services online, doesn’t have a clue about online searches or online directories (Google, Bing, Yelp, etc…), has never thought about the concept of communicating with your customers via email, or just plain avoids the internet all together, you have officially hit antique status and might as well pack up your boxes and toss your business in storage.
Feeling lost or overwhelmed? That’s why I’m here!
Check out my services below and let’s find a time to chat! 👇
Here’s a tip about why you need to rethink using Facebook as your business’s website and only means of promotion. And this is why it’s incredibly important for your business’s success develop a a digital marketing strategy (and stick to it)!
Let’s Talk Strategy!
Tell me a little bit about your company/business/organization, your current marketing strategy (or how you are reaching your customers/clients/audience, and any strategies you might be interested in or just need help with.