2016-17 Winter Season Edit


2016-17 Winter Season Edit

I dub thee, Winter 2016-17, the Winter of Wind...

Wind ... lines, crowds and waiting.

But, none of that you will see here! Instead, I give you deliciously snowy places. Friends. Powder left behind on leeward sides. Groomers. Stashes. Leftover Salmon and a backcountry skiing baby to boot!

Oh, and please don't mind all the "selfie stick" footage. If it weren't for my beautiful, bad ass partner in crime tagging along with her GoPro, that's all you'd see! "Towanda!"

And as always, I'd like to give a big "thank you" and huge shout out to these Colorado companies for always keeping me geared up for winter and fueling my desire to slide down mountains! To Liberty Skis for always making super rad, fun and playful, bomber bamboo shred sticks. To Loki Gear for keeping me warm and dry, and for making it so that I never have to worry about forgetting my buff or loosing my gloves off a lift ever again. And to Zeal Optics for your excellent customer service, your warranty and always being more than willing to replace my lenses!

Want to rock this bodacious gear too? Visit:
